Saturday, January 27, 2007

everything is fast right now

right now so many things are flashing through my thoughts. what i am going to do this summer, what i am going to do this year, what i am going to do the rest of my life. why havent i done things ive wanted to do? why am i lazy? some cool things are happening to my friends, for example blake. blake if you dont want your URL up there tell me and ill take it down. not many people read this anyway. i have kind of an opportunity to work at a really cool ministry this summer, but it wouldnt pay. but if i could get this job it would open up many doors for the future, and this particular ministry is exactly the kind of thing i would like to do with my life. but at the same time i need to make money, more to please my parents and make money for school, than for the american dream. there are lots of things i would like to do this school year, most of which have to do with affecting people positively by how i live my life. some of which have to do with things like photography and writing. we will see.
i guess i am in a "band" now. i feel like a dumb kid who says "yeah, im in a band" when i say that. but me and my friends jeremy and dave and josh are kind of getting one started. it is great to get away from just playing worship music that is so set in the way that it is played. and write my own music for. not that i am that good at doing that anyway. i think i am ready to admit that i am self-conscious of my musical ability, probably because i have many friends who are incredible at music. and i hate the fact that because a few idiots have made comments to me about my talent, i take that and bury it and refuse to blow it off. that sounds a little stupid and pity partyish. but whatever.
i am being really honest on this thing, kind of weird, but its cool i suppose.
how are you guys doing? its kind of nice that blogspot isnt really used for communication, but sometimes its nice to know people's thoughts on things. so please feel more than free to comment on here. i think you can do it anonymously if you wish to.


Blake said...

I'm in the same boat you are. I wish I knew what to do with the rest of my life. Ha, I wish I knew what I'm supposed to do the rest of the year, why should I even worry about the rest of my life.

Throwing that link up there is fine. If anything, people may look at my site and leave real fast because I'm too long winded. Whatever, it's for me anyway.

I'll be praying brother.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.