Friday, November 30, 2007

friday nights (or, i like cops and queers)

it's friday night. i just mispelled that as "fright". but i fixed it don't worry. i am doing homework, that's not what you should be doing on a friday night. the past few days have sucked. my computer broke, i hit a car, i sold a drumset that still wont cover the cost of the cars damage, and i have a whole lot of homework to do by monday or bad things happen.

on a positive note, i ate taco bell tonight. in a few hours im sure that will end up being a negative note. i am listening to ben folds right now. that is always a positive note. i heard a rumor that he once played the piano so hard that he broke a piano string, which i would imagine is very hard to do.

boose gumps and runny babbits.

nicholas david welch

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