Tuesday, December 11, 2007

no power, kappa food, the styx

well manhattan is up in arms over the ice storm. which, besides the power outage, doesnt seem very bad. i have been in a sorrority house more hours straight than i ever have been. and i am about to eat their food. the kitchen staff is listening to the styx right now. its awesome. i might have failed one final, and i have no idea when my other one is. i would just like to go home i think.
i am sitting next to my girlfriend right now and i think she is secretly trying to read what i am writing, she keeps glancing at me and nervously playing with my keys.
if you think you are better than my girlfriend you are lying to yourself.

nicholas david welch


rachel rianne said...

yeah blogging!

rachel rianne said...

and styx?
what a memorable ice day.

Anonymous said...

are we serious right now.