Friday, September 12, 2008

Beg for mercy, promise it help, worship, anything.

For a few moments they have no idea anyone is watching them. The primary concern in their life is water, that is to say, how exactly to behave themselves in the downpour from heaven and pools collected on the earth.

The conservatives opt for umbrellas, and since one cannot run with an umbrella, they find themselves unconcerned with the dryness of their feet. The only exciting thing about these people is the color of their umbrella, which is often not too thrilling.

The agricultural students sole responsibility is to their fine leather footwear. Doctor Martins. The tops of their feet are covered by faded, baggy and frayed denim pants with excessive pockets and a loop for a hammer they will never use, much less store on their pants. They are left caring for the 1-2 inches of leather directly above their soles, they do so by prancing, very un-ag student like, across puddles making more of a mess for the well groomed aggies directly behind them to fight through.

There are the upset individuals who quickly grimace their way through the rain, as though water miraculously falling from the clouds is the worst thing that has ever happened to them. I assure you it is not.

There are those who, like myself, discovered upon exiting their homes that it is in fact raining and that sandals were not the ideal decision. These unprepared few have simply given up hope and pace themselves on their way to class, or to get coffee.

Then there is my favorite sort, the ones who believe that every drop is a present to them and that the only way receive these gifts is to save as many as possible from the earth. They do this with a smile and wet hair plastered to their faces.

nicholas david welch


Anonymous said...

i'm of the last category.

of course, your favorite.

i like this post alot. i think i have like a crush on you or something.

luke said...

my hair has been soaked twice today, and i loved every minute of it. jeans was a bad choice though...

Anonymous said...

i actually almost texted you yesterday and said 'go play in the rain... its a good idea"... upon realizing that you live in a totally different state than me i did not... but smiled when i read this because it did!